On May 6, 2014, charities around the country are counting on you to make a donation. Yes, this day is designated as National Giving Day. Our focus for giving is to YELL!Girls who are going to college.
Girls are our legacy to the world. As women, we know how it feels to be a girl. But, we also know there are things that happen to us that makes us feel no one understands us. Algebra Blessett says it best in her song, Nobody But You, when she says, "Everybody won't understand my journey; everybody won't know how to hear what hurts me; everybody can't be written into my story; just because they want me don't mean they're ready for me!" I can relate to that because...I was that girl and many of you are that girl also.
See the problem is many of us can relate to that story but what are we doing about it?
Every 26 seconds a child drops out of school, even worse, the only grade level girls drop out more than boys is in the 12th grade (U.S.Department of Education, 2014). While there are many variables, pregnancy, marriage, peer pressure, and disconnect from school are some of them.
So don't TALK about it, BE about it! Here are 3 ways you can support girls in your community: advocate, volunteer, and donate!
Essence of a Lady Inc. has been advocating for women and girls for 25 years. I have been on the front line, helping girls as a volunteer, in schools, church, the community, and one-to-one mentoring. I have helped girls stay in school when they were contemplating dropping out, helped women refocus after being dumped by a man, helped girls find scholarship money when they thought they could not go to college, and helped women develop, build and fund their businesses when they did not believe it was possible. Who are you advocating for and how are you doing it?
Essence of a Lady Inc. can use you as an advocate. Tell people, especially other women, what we are doing to educate, mentor, and empower girls by directing them to our website, and encouraging them to join the network. Then, they are one step closer to advocating for a cause, our girls. After that, the next step is stepping up to the plate and doing something...volunteering.
Our gift to you is a FREE Listing for your business, educational program, or nonprofit.
One of the most important things we can do for humanity is give back. Ron Simmons, a reknown philosophist called it "THROW THE ROPE BACK!" His thought was someone helped us become who we are, now, as adults, it is our turn to throw the rope back. I have been a volunteer since I was 10 years old, when I tutored a second grade girl who was struggling in reading. I read to her daily for 20 minutes when I was in the fifth grade. A inevitable way to ensure I spent time with my daughters when they were young was through volunteering...in church, the community, and schools. Through Girl Scouts, PTA/PTO and Homeowners Association boards, and now as Chair of the Board for Essence of a Lady, Inc.
Essence of a Lady Inc is in desperate need of you to volunteer as a mentor, speaker, or committee member at our events.We offer opportunities for you to conduct seminars, group mentoring sessions, become a one-to-one mentor, become a speaker at our annual conference, and/or partner with us to provide products and services to girls. Are you giving of your time and/or talent to girls?
The ultimate gift, and the common way of giving as a philanthropist, is donating cash (Forbes.com, 2014).
Forbes mentioned most people give to causes such as school alma maters, universities, and national and local charities. Kimbria has gone one step further to encourage philanthropy by creating GiveLocalAmerica. May 6, 2014 has been declared National Giving Day. You can make donations to charities in your community. Essence of a Lady Inc is listed in GiveLocalHouston and GiveLocalJacksonville because we are raising money for graduating YELL!senior girls.
Now, more than ever, Essence of a Lady Inc needs your support. We work with over 200 high school girls at East Early College High School. Approximately 75 are graduating. Our goal is to give 10-$500 scholarships during our annual Females are FABULOUS Conference September 5-7, 2014. I registered on April 1, 2014, therefore there are only 41 days left. Please support!!! For more information and to see how we have created a win-win situation for the girls and you, go to Indiegogo.
How will you contribute to helping your community as a PHILANTHROPIST on May 6, 2014?
I have outlined 3 ways to become a philanthropist. Whether you advocate, volunteer, and donate to Essence of a Lady Inc to support YELL! Girls or any other 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Remember, DON'T TALK ABOUT IT, BE ABOUT IT!! Participate in National Giving Day and make the difference in a girl's life forever!
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